The goals of the week are the following:
- Deeper understanding of the code;
- First snippets of coding which can be used:
- Filters & Containers;
- UI.
Going deeper into the details:
I understood and learned (more and less) how ZAProxy is built (restrictly to those classes I worked with). Above all I understood how modular is the architecture of the program, and I improved knowledge on those modules I needed.
Then I continued playing with the code, trying to make something useful for the project: I started both from Zest and ZAP side:
Then I continued playing with the code, trying to make something useful for the project: I started both from Zest and ZAP side:
Zest side:
I improved the design and I created the main interfaces and abstract classes (and some implementations) for the replacing of the current ZAP Filters.
A more detailed description can be found here
A more detailed description can be found here
ZAP side:
I worked on the UI. First I mistook to understand the requirements creating this:
(at least I learned how to create voices on the right click menu using ZAP classes :D ).And I started creating a Dialog to manage the filters.
Then I replaced with the correct UI:
(new icons needed!!!)
Unfortunally the exam period won't finish until 20th of July, then I do hope to increase substantially my speed on coding!!