Thursday, 27 June 2013

Week 4 - Filters and ProxyScript

This week I tried to manage exams and coding as well as I could... and I think I had nice results :D

The goals of the week are the following:

  1. Deeper understanding of the code;
  2. First snippets of coding which can be used:
    1. Filters & Containers;
    2. UI.
Going deeper into the details:
I understood and learned (more and less) how ZAProxy is built (restrictly to those classes I worked with). Above all I understood how modular is the architecture of the program, and I improved knowledge on those modules I needed.

Then I continued playing with the code, trying to make something useful for the project: I started both from Zest and ZAP side:

Zest side:

I improved the design and I created the main interfaces and abstract classes (and some implementations)  for the replacing of the current ZAP Filters.
A more detailed description can be found here

ZAP side:

I worked on the UI. First I mistook to understand the requirements creating this:
(at least I learned how to create voices on the right click menu using ZAP classes :D ).And I started creating a Dialog to manage the filters.

Then I replaced with the correct UI:

(new icons 

Unfortunally the exam period won't finish until 20th of July, then I do hope to increase 
substantially my speed on coding!!

Thursday, 20 June 2013

Week 3 - ZAP Filters & Zest Scripts

Because of a couple of exams this week, I had to slow down a bit.

This week I concentrated  on the design of somewhat which could replace current ZAP Filters with Zest Scripts.
The goals of this week were to design such interfaces and to give some feedback on the usage of Zest.

Both the design and the example of usage for Zest can be found at this link, while the developed code can be found on my repo (only few lines :( but I hope they are well documented and well designed :D ).

[UPDATE July 21st] After a chat with the mentor, we fully designed the complete add-on. I also started with the integration of the Zap Filter replacement.

Thursday, 13 June 2013

Week 2 - "learn by play"

This is the second week of GSoC. I started the paradigm "learn by play"!

These are the progresses:

  • Started playing with the code of both ZAP and Zest;
  • Started the design phase about the replacing of current Filters.
  • Started writing some sample extensions for ZAP (which substantially do nothing);
  • Gained a better knowledge of Zest, with some lack of the language;
  • Understood better the steps I have to follow for the integration.
Nothing useful had been implemented yet, but I played a lot with the current code, and:
  • I improved a lot my knowledge. 
  • Much more aware of next steps!
  • I had fun ;)

Thursday, 6 June 2013

First Week

This is my first week of GSoC, and we are still in the Community Bonding period.

In this week I started looking deep inside the code and, after a chat with the mentor, we figured out the first development phase.

Replacing ZAP filters with ZEST

Filters in ZAP are not very used because of their lack of flexibility. The idea is to replace them completely with zest.
The designing phase has started.

Goals achieved

About the Community Bonding Period:
  • I started reading documentation;
  • Chatted in the IRC channel;
  • Chatted with the mentor for more details and tips for a boost in first stage;
Outside the Community Bonding Period:
  • First usecase for zest found: filters;
  • Postponed the complex conditionals development inside zest;
  • Better knowledge of ZAP and Zest code.